Market Update - June 2022

Since my last market update in February New Zealand has finally been forced to come to grips with the impact of Covid-19, with the Omicron variant well established across all parts of the country. For ANZCO Foods that had a big impact on our lamb processing facilities in March and April with our immediate focus on the health and well-being of our workers, their families, and the wider communities in which we operate.

As case numbers increased production of Maimoa lamb decreased. Thankfully the worst of the outbreak is now over, and we are back to a normal operating levels. This means we are working hard with our farmers to catch up on lost time. As a result of the impact of the virus on our workers, lamb numbers on farm are unusually high for this time of the season and it looks like we will have a much busier winter then normal as a result.

Thankfully, the weather over the past two months has been mild and grass growth has been strong, which has kept our Maimoa lamb in great condition. Winter is now just around the corner here in New Zealand, and with it comes the frosts, rain, and colder temperatures. This is always an important and busy time of year for our farmers as they manage their remaining stock and give the land a chance to rest and recover in preparation or another busy Spring and Summer later in the year.

Lamb markets globally have remained very strong over recent weeks. The focus of this Maimoa update is on frenched racks, and demand for this cut has never been better, whether it be in North America, Japan, Europe, or New Zealand, as well as in the emerging market of China where Maimoa lamb is now well established on supermarket shelves in Shanghai. Frenched racks are such an iconic lamb dish here in New Zealand and it is definitely my favourite out of the Maimoa range, so I hope you get the chance to enjoy our product in the coming weeks and months. We will be doing all we can to ensure New Zealand’s finest lamb is available to meet your needs.

Finally, one upside of the arrival of Omicron to New Zealand has been the opening up of New Zealand’s borders. That means I am looking forward to seeing our Maimoa lamb in-market and getting a better appreciation of the changes that have occurred for our key customers over the past two difficult years. There is also an open invitation for you to visit us here in New Zealand. We would welcome the chance to show you where our Maimoa lamb comes from and the care we take to make sure that you can get the best out of our product.

Rick Walker,
General Manager Sales & Marketing

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